Friday, May 23, 2008

So what is the point....

Although unlikely, there is a chance that this blog may actually be read by someone other than myself. As such I probably should give some context to this blog, i.e. what is the purpose of the blog, why am I writing it, and lastly who am I?

The what and the why, are essentially two sides of the same coin. The purpose of this blog is to provide me with a means to put in writing any opinion I may have on something within the context Eve. Why I am doing this is because I am an opinionated person, but despite that I normally try to control my urges in order to fit in with my corp/team/etc. This blog henceforth is my way of venting, or to have a "mad rant" about whatever is of interest to me, and I admit to finding writing my thoughts quite a good way to get them off my chest.

As for who am I, I have played Eve for over two years, and have experienced many parts of the game, but as of now am an avowed 0.0 resident. I love to pvp, but am under no illusion of grandeur... I have two mains currently, and have skilled them to allow me too experience both small and cap combat.


CrazyKinux said...

You are not alone... others are watching...

Keep this up for a bit longer and you'll find yourself surrounded by the EVE Blog Pack members!


WTM said...

I'm scared now.... (starts looking frantically over shoulder).

The Blog Pack is definitely a good group of Eve blogs (I know I read most if not all of them).

Anonymous said...

You are definitely not alone. There are eyes everywhere, always watching...